Normally when we check Project->Build automatically, it will build when our project's source has change, But when i check this option my eclipse is always building-- about every 2 or 3 seconds-- no matter it has changes or not. I can see from the right bottom state bar show "building workspace...".
It's annoying that this behavior drive my eclispe really slow and the CPU is always in high usage.
I'm using eclipse 3.7 for java EE developers, m2e, maven integration for WTP, git plugin, subclipse and Google plugin for eclipse, checkstyle, findbugs, etc.
Any ideas?
P.S I'm on Win 7 with 8GB RAM
I have seen this effect with an ant-based build before.
You probably have something in your maven build that outputs to one of the source folders or one of it subdirectories. Eclipse detects that a file has changed and starts a new build.
Answered By - Axel
Answer Checked By - Pedro (JavaFixing Volunteer)