I'm trying to change vm options in netbeans 13 and I can't change anything at Run setup. At the bottom of the run settings throws a warning : One of Run/Debug/Profile Project actions has been modified and the Run panel cannot be safely edited. Almost everything else works fine : javafx apps can be compiled and run . autocompletion in java works fine in javafx libraries .
openjfx version 17.0.2
javafx maven plugin version 0.0.8
jdk coretto 17 in ubuntu 20.4 64
gluon plugin 2.8.4 on netbeans 13
pom file
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Default configuration for running -->
<!-- Usage: mvn clean javafx:run -->
Reset actions run , debug , profile
In project Properties >> actions select Run Project ,Debug Project and Profile Project and click Remove/Reset button . That will allow to change options in run category . add javafx modules and their paths to vm is needed in order to run and compile javafx projects --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.base,
and --module-path /...path-to-modules
.Follow the thread and you'll find how to solve it at netbeans Bug 248079
Answered By - Giovanni Contreras
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)