I have these entities, from which I want get List of Tuples containing information from both of them:
which should look like this:
|name |login|user_type|
| |admin|admin |
|John Doe|john |user |
|Jane Doe|janed|user |
The thing is, my JPA skill got quite rusty and I forgot how to use Entity Managers. I know how to make basic JPQL queries or build-in stuff, but sadly it's not enough for me (since I need to use that list for filling up table in my UI). So, how did I should use Entity Managers? (if I should use that at all ;) )
Edit: now I think that using DTO projection is better; here's my mapping class
public class PersonUserMap {
private Integer personID;
private String name;
private String login;
private UserType userType;
public Integer getPersonID() {
return personID;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getLogin() {
return login;
public UserType getUserType() { //custom Enum
return userType;
my annotation in People class:
name = "PersonUserMapping",
classes = @ConstructorResult(
columns = { @ColumnResult(name = "personID", type=Integer.class),
@ColumnResult(name = "name"),
@ColumnResult(name = "login"),
@ColumnResult(name = "userType",type = UserType.class)},
targetClass = PersonUserMap.class))
and when using native query like this: Query q = entityManager.createNativeQuery("Select p.personid, p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name as name, u.login, u.user_type from people p join users u on p.user_idusers = u.idusers","PersonUserMapping");
it throws exception Could not resolve column name in result set [userType]
Thanks for @Chris help I finally got somewhere; my set mapping is looking like this:
name = "PersonUserMapping",
classes = @ConstructorResult(
columns = { @ColumnResult(name = "personid", type=Integer.class),
@ColumnResult(name = "name"),
@ColumnResult(name = "login"),
@ColumnResult(name = "user_type",type = UserType.class)},
targetClass = PersonUserMap.class))
and my query looks like this
Query q = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select personid, concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as 'name', users.login, users.user_type from aspirejestracja.people"
+ " full join aspirejestracja.users on user_idusers = users.idusers ", "PersonUserMapping");
now I can display all users which I need :)
Answered By - Kris_1313
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)