After installing the latest version of Pydev on eclipse it is not showing under the list of available perspectives.
Eclipse does however list pydev as being installed which seems weird to me. I would also like to add that I installed pydev through the standard method (Through the "install new software" option under help).
Any help on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
I spent hours trying to get PyDev 3.0.0 plugin working with Eclipse Kepler on my mac. I tried
- Marketplace installation
- Install Software through Update Site
- Dropping plugin files under eclipse/dropins
Nothing worked until I finally tried version 2.8.2 of the plugin. I would say get a zip of 2.8.2 from here and put the unzippied version in your /dropins folder of Eclipse. Restart Eclipse. Then go to the preference menu and notice PyDev entry should be there. Sometime it is better to start the Eclipse with admin credentials. Something like this on command line:
sudo /Users/username/Softwares/eclipse/
Answered By - nabster
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)