Trying to run the following combination:
- Maven (3.6.1)
- OpenJDK 11
- With
Fails with the following error message:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) on project tourconex: Fatal error compiling: Fa
iled to run the ecj compiler: Unrecognized option : --module-version -> [Help 1]
Have tried to add blank compilerArgs node, but without avail.
Removing fixes the problem, but that's not what I want.
Also, looked at the source
specifically at the source of
module-version is always added, so it seems there's no way to suppress it:
compilerArgs.add( "--module-version" );
compilerArgs.add( getProject().getVersion() );
Looking at the documentation of ecj, there's no "module-version" argument
So it seems that it just won't work at the moment!?
Maven Plugin section:
Until now ecj
does not support the option --module-version
It may have fallen through the cracks for several possible reasons:
- nobody cared, because the module version is not evaluated by JVM nor other tools
- perhaps it wasn't specified as a new compiler option before Java 9 GA ( does not have a version history, but I know that the text was changed significantly right on the release day).
Please file a feature request at
Edit: Your feature request has been implemented. While we missed today's release of Eclipse 2019-06, you may fetch ecj.jar from the next integration build below - next full release is scheduled for September.
Edit2: After more research the simplest workaround might be to go back to version 3.8.0 of maven-compiler-plugin which does not try to pass --module-version
to the compiler. This happens only since 3.8.1 released this May.
Answered By - Stephan Herrmann
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)