I am trying to map a LocalDate to a SQL Date, but am receiving this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Undefined filter parameter [afterDateLocal]
I can't provide a reproducible example, but here's the code of the ListingRepositoryImpl:
if (!queries.get("checkInDate").get(0).equals("undefined")) {
Filter afterDateFilter = session.enableFilter("afterDateFilter");
String afterDate = queries.get("checkInDate").get(0);
LocalDate afterDateLocal = LocalDate.parse(afterDate);
System.out.println("After date: " + afterDateLocal);
afterDateFilter.setParameter("afterDateLocal", afterDateLocal);
} else {
And the filters defined on the entity listing:
@FilterDef(name="priceFilter", parameters=@ParamDef(name="priceComparison",type="double")),
@FilterDef(name="beforeDateFilter", parameters=@ParamDef(name="beforeDateLocal", type="date")),
@FilterDef(name="afterDateFilter", parameters=@ParamDef(name="afterDateLocal", type="date"))
@Filter(name="priceFilter", condition="price <= :priceComparison"),
@Filter(name="beforeDateFilter", condition=":beforeDateLocal <= date"),
@Filter(name="afterDateFilter", condition=":afterDateLocal >= date")
I am using Hibernate 5.5.7 so I expect LocalDate to work.
was not defined in the database, which is why I received the error.
Answered By - noumenal
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (JavaFixing Admin)