I'm currently developing a GitLab CI/CD pipeline which compiles, tests and builds a standard Spring Boot application.
I want to package it in a docker image and publish that to the GitLab registry to use it later on.
Spring Boot recently added the build-image
goal to its maven plugin which also has the ability to publish the image to a registry.
My problem is, that I can't get the auth to work.
I'm using a maven:3.6.3-jdk-11-slim
image for the job with the docker:dind
service to have access to a docker daemon.
Building the image runs fine, but publishing fails.
I configured the maven plugin in the project pom to use properties for auth, which will be overwritten by the CLI in my CI/CD Job as follows:
Properties defined in the POM with no value (Will be filled in by CLI call) :
My maven CLI call in the Pipeline/Job uses the GitLab registry variables :
docker image job:
stage: Build
image: maven:3.6.3-jdk-11-slim
- docker:dind
- echo "java.runtime.version=11" >
I was following the instructions via GitLab and Spring Boot documentation, but cant seem to identify my problem.
GitLab Registry Auth documentation Spring Boot Maven Plugin image publishing documentation
I know it's been a while but in case others are trying to accomplish this
This works well
<name>${env.CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/${project.artifactId}:${project.version} </name>
It uses gitlab-ci built-in env vars to configure everything
Answered By - Hilikus
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)