I have a Postgres server running inside Docker. Inside this Postgres server, I have a database named 'aa'.
I also have a Docker image of a Spring Boot Application. When this image is executed in Docker, database tables should be created inside database 'aa'.
In order to achieve this, I executed the following steps:
Run the Postgres Server inside Docker
docker run --name PostgresServer --e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=*** -d Postgres
Enter PostgresServer then Create database 'aa'
sudo docker exec -it PostgresServer psql -U postgres
3. Run the Sprint Boot Docker Image (this is where the problem happens)
docker run -v /Users/juancesard.pineda/Desktop/brapi:/home/brapi/properties -d brapicoordinatorselby/brapi-java-server:v2
I checked the logs: It says database 'aa' does not exist wherein clearly it exists in the Postgres Server
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database "aa" does not exist
Some additional info:
Docker listens at port 8080
Postgres server listens at port 5432
My file looks like this:
server.port = 8080 server.servlet.context-path=/Users/juancesard.pineda/Desktop/brapi/
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal:5432/aa spring.datasource.username=**** spring.datasource.password=****
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop, sql/lists.sql, sql/locations.sql, sql/people.sql, sql/programs.sql, sql/trials.sql, sql/seasons.sql, sql/studies.sql, sql/breeding_methods.sql, sql/germplasm.sql, sql/attribute_defs.sql, sql/attribute_values.sql, sql/seed_lots.sql, sql/observation_units.sql, sql/crosses.sql, sql/pedigree.sql, sql/events.sql, sql/images.sql, sql/observation_variables.sql, sql/observations.sql, sql/samples.sql, sql/allele_calls.sql, sql/genome_maps.sql, sql/references.sql, sql/vendor.sql
Am I missing some config in my file?
Thank you in advance
The problem is in your file. The datasource url is pointing to host.docker.internal
. This should only be used when connecting something from inside a docker container to something running outside docker on the host machine (documentation). You need a different solution because your Spring server and Postgres server are both running inside docker containers.
You need a Docker Network, specifically a bridge network, to connect your different containers. Docker Bridge Networks
Try something like this
Run this command to create a network in docker called “brapi_net”
$> docker network create --driver bridge network_name
Run the postgres container and link it to the network. Create your database schema as normal.
$> docker run --name PostgresServer --network=network_name --e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=*** -d Postgres
$> sudo docker exec -it PostgresServer psql -U postgres
With a Docker network, container names act as server names. Modify your to reflect this
Run the server container and link it to the network.
$> docker run -v /Users/juancesard.pineda/Desktop/brapi:/home/brapi/properties --network=network_name -d brapicoordinatorselby/brapi-java-server:v2
Answered By - Peter Selby
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (JavaFixing Admin)