I have a SQL Server entity with a Composite Primary Key.
That is the Entity:
@Table(name = "plz", schema = "dbo")
public class Plz {
@Column(name = "plz", columnDefinition = "NCHAR(5)")
private String plz;
@Column(name = "ort", columnDefinition = "NCHAR(30)")
private String ort;
@Column(name = "gueltigbis")
private Date gueltigBis;
@Column(name = "gueltigvon")
private Date gueltigVon;
@Column(name = "value", columnDefinition = "NCHAR(5)")
private String value;
and this is ID Class:
public class plzId implements Serializable {
private String plz;
private String ort;
private String value;
That is the JpaRepository
public interface PlzRepository extends JpaRepository<Plz, PlzId> {
@Query(value = "SELECT value, ort FROM dbo.plz WHERE plz = :plz AND gueltigvon <= :bezugsdatum AND gueltigbis >= :bezugsdatum",
nativeQuery = true
List<Plz> findByPlzDatum(@Param("plz") String plz, @Param("bezugsdatum") Date bezugsdatum);
But when this Query is executed I get an error: Invalid Column name: plz
Finally I got the solution :-) The select wasn't returing the full key / object. Validation on the object failed and there was not suitable constructor present.
Answered By - Daniel Pomrehn
Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (JavaFixing Admin)