I have a maven project in bitbucket account. I need to add that the project in my local maven repository so that I can refer that project as a maven dependency in my main project's pom.xml.
That is, perform below steps
1) Clone the project
2) run maven build install
This will add to local maven repository
Please let me know if there is a way to achieve the same (in similar ways to connecting to maven public repository) ?
You can achieve this by defining repositories in pom file of the project where you want to use project 1 as a dependency.
For eg.
Git clone path of Project 1:
Add below code in child project:
And finally Add this project as a dependency:
<groupId>group id of project 1</groupId>
<artifactId>artifcat id of project 1</artifactId>
<version>required version</version>
Answered By - Yogi
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)