I have postman.collection.json files and I am able to run those collections files through newman and using the below command.
newman run test.postman.collection.json -e environment.collection.json -d test.csv
It ran successfully and is giving a response back.
I just want to get the same behavior by using the maven system. I need to integrate it with pom.xml, so that file will run the above collection.
Is this possible? If it's possible to run like this, then please share a sample to show how.
There are some unofficial postman runners for Maven, like this or this. I've never tried those, so I couldn't recommend either of them.
I prefer to use the maven-exec-plugin
to run postman / newman collection during the integration-test
or verify
lifecycle phases.
Answered By - zforgo
Answer Checked By - Marilyn (JavaFixing Volunteer)