I wonder how can I quickly take a directory in my computer that contains 1K jars, and let Gradle structure it to the Maven .m2/repository
structure. I've read of the rel="nofollow noreferrer">Gradle publishing feature, but it seems pretty impossible to use when the amount of jars is that big because they are not taking the information from the META-INF, but want the user to specify the group ID and other details.
I made you wait a little, however I come up with a solution at this point. Have a look at this bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
PWD=$( pwd )
JARS=$( find $PWD -name '*.jar' )
echo "found JAR: $JARFILE";
mkdir -p $PWD/extracted/$JARFILE/;
unzip $JARFILE -d $PWD/extracted/ &> /dev/null;
if [ -d "$PWD/extracted/META-INF/maven/" ]; then
POMPROPS=$( find $PWD/extracted/META-INF/maven -name '' );
echo "found POMPROPS: $POMPROPS";
POMXML=$( find $PWD/extracted/META-INF/maven -name 'pom.xml' );
echo "found POMXML: $POMXML";
ARTIFACTID=$( grep 'artifactId' $POMPROPS | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '\r' );
GROUPID=$( grep 'groupId' $POMPROPS | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '\r' );
VERSION=$( grep 'version' $POMPROPS | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '\r' );
if [[ -f $POMPROPS && -f $POMXML ]]; then
GROUPDIR=$( sed 's/\./\//g' <<<$GROUPID);
echo "Group dir: "$GROUPDIR;
mkdir -p ~/.m2test/repository/$GROUPDIR/$ARTIFACTID/$VERSION/
echo "did not find pom properties and/or xml "
echo "$JARFILE: did not find pom properties and/or xml" >> log.txt
echo "$JARFILE: no maven directory found" >> log.txt
rm -rf $PWD/extracted/;
First have a look at it and understand it, please. You should not run any script, without understanding it. Of course I don't want to screw you, but always be cautious 😃. You must have sed, grep and unzip installed. However most distributions should have that on board.
Just run that script, when in a terminal inside of the directory. It should organize your JARs inside of ~/.m2test
. If some files were not found, it will be logged inside log.txt
. Eventually, you can copy-paste or move the files from ~/.m2test
to ~/.m2
as soon, as you are optimistic, it worked out.
And of course: Always do make backups (of your ~/.m2
in this case) 😁!
This - of course - only works, if your JARs have that maven
directory in META-INF
. If it doesn't, I don't have a better guess, how to organize it into the local repository.
Answered By - edean
Answer Checked By - Marilyn (JavaFixing Volunteer)