When i'm running through testng.xml (right click on testng.xml, then run as TestNG) it works fine - 2 of the tests i have there are running, but when i'm running it from Maven (mvn test) it just perform build and doesn't run the tests. BTW - i noticed that if i have classes with the word Test in them they are running by default on Maven, but this is not good for me since i need the ability to control the tests through the testng.xml file.
this is my pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
This is my testng.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite guice-stage="DEVELOPMENT" name="GroupXdefault suite" verbose="0">
<test name="Default test" verbose ="1">
<class name="Group1.artifact1.TC1" />
<class name="Group1.artifact1.TC2" />
</test> <!-- Default test -->
</suite> <!-- Default suite -->
Can you just remove profile and try with build plugin
Answered By - asu
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)