[enter image description here][1]
It shows the following error when you add the Lombok plugin from diskspace which was downloaded from their website [1]:
The workaround was found this link As the New Update of Android Studio(AS) to BumbleBee the Google Forgot to include the plugin Lombok in AS. So I am writing this for the help of anyone who updated their AS and now their lombok plugin is not working or anyone who wants to use lombok plugin in their Android Studio
The Steps are following Steps:
1: Download/Install IntelliJ IDEA Community
2: Open the directory(folder) in which the Intellij IDEA Community is installed
3: Go in to the directory(folder) name which is "plugins"
4: Copy the directory(folder) named as lombok
5: Go into the directory(folder) where android Studio is intalled
6: Go into the Plugin directory(folder) of android studio
7: Paste the folder which was copied at step 4
8: Restart Android Studio
Answered By - BasitAli Writes
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)