I'm trying to retrieve data within an interval of timestamp on Java Spring, using a Postgresql database. One of the queries i'm using, works just fine (It returns data from the last 24 hours):
@Query(value = "SELECT timestamp,lettura,stato FROM dati_impianti
WHERE sigla_impianto = :impianto and timestamp > now() - interval '24 hours'
ORDER BY timestamp DESC", nativeQuery = true)
List<ReadingEntity> findLastDay(@Param("impianto") String s);
However, when i try to return data with a different timestamp, i get a PSQL exception:
@Query(value = "SELECT timestamp,lettura,stato FROM dati_impianti
WHERE sigla_impianto = :impianto and timestamp > :timestamp - interval '24 hours'
ORDER BY timestamp DESC", nativeQuery = true)
List<ReadingEntity> findDate(@Param("impianto") String s, @Param("timestamp") Timestamp t);
And this is the exception i'm getting:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone > interval
No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
What i cannot understand is that, according to the PostgreSQL documentation, a timestamp - interval should return another timestamp. However from my query, it seems that i'm comparing a timestamp (from the table) with an interval, which is wrong. If i try to use directly my timestamp parameter (in the form of timestamp > :timestamp without reducing it by an interval), it works but it's not what i was looking for.
I also tried to explicit cast already, by using :timestamp::timestamp but this seems to give another kind of error because of Spring and the way it handles the parameters.
You might want to try explicitly casting your parameter to a timestamp
sigla_impianto = :impianto
and timestamp > :timestamp::timestamp - interval '24 hours'
Or, possibly:
sigla_impianto = :impianto
and timestamp > cast(:timestamp as timestamp) - interval '24 hours'
Answered By - GMB
Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (JavaFixing Admin)