I have a directory with a bunch of files that i need to copy to another directory , Using Java i would only like to copy the files that end with a ".txt" extension. I'm familiar with doing it for one file as shown below , please could you help me do this as a loop to see which files in the source directory match with a "txt" extension and then copy them all over to a new directory.
File sourceFileLocation = new File(
File newFileLocation = new File(
try {
Files.copy(sourceFileLocation.toPath(), newFileLocation.toPath());
} catch (Exception e) {
You can use Files#list(Path)
to obtain a stream and use stream operations to filter and collect only those file names that contain the extension txt. For example:
List<Path> paths = Files.list(Paths.get("C:/Users/hecto/Documents")).filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(".txt")).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (Path path : paths) {
For me, this prints out:
Even though I have other files and folders in that directory
Using that, I came up with this solution to copy over those filtered files from their current location to a new destination and preserving the original names (Using Java 8 or above):
try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.list(Paths.get("C:/Users/hecto/Documents"))) {
List<Path> paths = stream.filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(".txt")).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (Path source : paths) {
Path destination = Paths.get("C:/Users/hecto/Desktop/target" + File.separator + source.getFileName());
Files.copy(source, destination, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
(Answer updated to use try-with-resources to close the stream)
Answered By - hfontanez
Answer Checked By - Terry (JavaFixing Volunteer)