Hi all and thanks in advance,
I'm using SprinBoot 2.2.8
and MapStruct 1.3.0.Beta2
and everythings works fine. I just want to debug the generated impl
classes (located inside /target/generated-sources/annotations/[package]/mapper
I try to put a breakpoint inside one of these classes (.java) but Eclipse
, pointing to that class says me Resource not found, Edit source lookup path...
I have tried to give it the above path but doesn't work.
Can you help me??
Thank you
You'll have to add the package root of the generated source files as a "Source" folder in the project. Go to project properties, find the "Build Path" entry, click on the "Source" tab. I can't tell from that path you specify what the package root directory is.
Answered By - David M. Karr
Answer Checked By - David Goodson (JavaFixing Volunteer)