I want all the numbers i type in my Java program in Eclipse to be highlighted red (because of "Magic numbers" for example) and i looked around in the preferences tab, but i could not find the option to change the color of numbers. How can i do this?
Pane root = new Pane();
root.setPrefSize(300, 300);
300,300 are hardcoded magic numbers and i would like those to be highlighted red.
I explained my problem but stackoverflow says my question doesnt meet the quality standards so im adding this useless extra text so it lets me post.
Go to Window>Preferences>Java>Editor>Syntax Coloring>Java>Numbers. Then select whichever color you would like. here is an image of what the syntax coloring editor looks like
Answered By - grant martin
Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (JavaFixing Volunteer)