When I work on Netbeans, sometimes there appear the "Refreshing Indices" on the bottom bar. The crazy thing is this process takes more than 2 or 3 hours to finish. Furthermore, I cannot clean the cache during this process is running.
Well, frankly, I don't care about the wasting of my RAM and CPU. But the point is I cannot clean cache. How to resolve it?
Refreshing indices may take a long time. We need to wait until this action is finished. Usually, there is no need to worry about that because this is the regular activity of Netbeans. Please don't pay much attention to this, just work. In my case, sometimes, it takes a long time. But I am not sure why it takes so long. According to Andrew's saying we can just adjust the frequency of index updating.
Main Menu > Tools > Options > Java > Maven > Index > Index Update Frequency
Hope this will help some others.
Answered By - Johnson
Answer Checked By - Dawn Plyler (JavaFixing Volunteer)