I installed IntelliJ IDEA, downloaded both the flutter and dart plugins, Installed android studio and jdk .
I opened configured IntelliJ IDEA to point at the android sdk and jdk.
I opened up IntelliJ IDEA and created new project->flutter. I clicked on build and got an error message.
I am using Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit system
I ran Flutter Doctor and confirmed that i got nothing new or missing installation. The message at debugger is as shown
The built-in library 'dart:ui' is not available on the stand-alone VM.
library handler failed export 'dart:ui' show Locale
Process finished with exit code 254 Failed to connect to the VM observatory service: Failed to connect: ws:// Caused by: de.roderick.weberknecht.WebSocketException: error while creating socket to ws:// Caused by: Connection refused
Standard new flutter project code with output
Debugger output which i copy pasted
It sounds like IntelliJ is configured to run as a Dart command line app instead of a Flutter app. Edit configurations and remove any configurations that look like "Dart Command Line App". Then create a new one for a Flutter app.
Answered By - Collin Jackson