When running:
public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException {
while (true) {
vs. when running same code from junit:
public void test() throws Exception {
while (true) {
There is different behaviour:
for the main() - the output is displayed as expected, as the process runs ("." -> ".." -> "...")
however, for JUnit, when running same piece of code, No output is displayed as the process runs - It's flushed only when quitting the test.
Why does this happen? Is there any way to workaround it if I need the status to be shown in console during the test run?
I need to print to the same line, so using println wouldn't suit.
There are many ways people run JUnit tests (from within an IDE, from within a build system like Maven, or from a command line that uses the JUnit library directly). It appears that the way that you're running it uses a standard output that doesn't flush on every output. (This is probably intentional, as often tests are run in a batch using a continuous integration system, and the logs reviewed afterward, so not flushing on every write can improve performance.)
But, if you need to flush the buffer explicitly, try using System.out.flush();
after each .print
Another option, depending on what you're actually looking to do, may be to use a more full-featured logging system than the built-in System.out stream.
Answered By - user65839
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)