My existing Spring Web MVC application has the following handler mapping in the Controller.
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/welcome")
I trigger the following request
and this works fine.
The problem is
also works!!!
Also, a HTTP GET request URL to the application with script tag is getting redisplayed though it fails the authorization.
gets redisplayed as such in the browser window and as a result of my authorization logic "Not authorized" message is displayed.
I wonder if this is a security issue and should I need do any encoding/filtering in the code?
This behavior is due to the option useSuffixPatternMatch
which is true by default inside the RequestMappingHandlerMapping
(I assume you use Spring MVC 3.1).
useSuffixPatternMatch : Whether to use suffix pattern match (".*") when matching patterns to requests. If enabled a method mapped to "/users" also matches to "/users.*". The default value is "true".
To set useSuffixPatternMatch
to false, the easiest way is to use @Configuration
public class Api extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMappingHandlerMapping() {
RequestMappingHandlerMapping mapping = super.requestMappingHandlerMapping();
return mapping;
Answered By - tbruyelle
Answer Checked By - Robin (JavaFixing Admin)