In one of my service /actuator/health endpoint is taking more time (approximately 9 seconds). I am using following dependencies, how to debug this?
Spring boot version used: 2.0.3.RELEASE
Thanks, Hari
Basically health
endpoint is implemented in a way that it contains a list of all Spring beans that implement the interface HealthIndicator
Each health indicator is responsible for supplying a health information about one subsystem (examples of such subsystem are:disk, postgres, mongo, etc.), spring boot comes with some predefined HealthIndicators.
So that when the health
endpoint is invoked, it iterates through this list and gets the information about each subsystem and then constructs the answer.
Hence you can place a break point in relevant health indicators (assuming you know which subsystems are checked) and see what happens.
If you're looking for the HTTP entry point - the code that gets called when you call http://<host-port>/health
(can vary depending on your settings but you get the idea)`, it can be found here
Yet another approach that comes to mind is disabling "suspicious" health check and finding the slow one by elimination.
For example, if you have an elastricsearch and would like to disable it, use in the
: = false
Answered By - Mark Bramnik