I've successfully implemented repository based MVVM. However I need to pass a class object between fragments. I've implemented a sharedViewModel between multiple fragments but the set value always gives null. I know this is due to me not passing the activity context to the initialization of the viewmodels in fragments. I am working with ModelFactory to make instances of my viewmodel yet I can't figure out a way to give 'applicationActivity()' .
Here's my modelFactory:
class MyViewModelFactory constructor(private val repository: MyRepository): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom( {
MyOwnViewModel(this.repository) as T
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("ViewModel Not Found")
and this is how I intialize my viewmodel:
viewModel=ViewModelProvider(this, MyViewModelFactory(
MyRepository(MyServices() ) )).get(
fetching data and everything else works, but I need to be able to share data between fragments and i can't do that with this architecture. I'm not using dagger or Hilt. Thank you for any pointers.
You can use by activityViewModels()
and pass the factory
private val myViewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels(factoryProducer = {
MyViewModelFactory(<your respository instance>)
It would be good idea to get your repository instance from a singleton or from a field in Application class. If you choose to get from an Application class you can do it like this;
class MyApp: Application() {
val service by lazy { MyService() }
val repository by lazy { MyRepository(service) }
by defining them lazy, it ensures that they are not initialized until its necessary
With your application class, your viewmodel call should look like this
private val myViewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels(factoryProducer = {
MyViewModelFactory((activity?.application as MyApp).repository)
Answered By - Aslan Sarı