I have a multimodule maven application with parent pom as follows:
now in intelliJ's maven module view i can see all modules however communication-management
is displayed twice and i dont know why. From the structure of my application it seems like it shouldn't be visible as root but somehow is. Here is the communication-management
's pom:
// some build plugins
<!-- project dependencies -->
and this is how i can see it in IntelliJ:
Why is communication-management
displayed twice and why is it displayed as root?
i have already tried reimporting, cleaning etc.
Turns out it was some IntelliJ issue, restarting PC solved it. I dont think it's reporoducable. I tried to create some sample project but issue did not occur.
The old "have you tried turning it off and on again" worked for me.
Answered By - Akka Jaworek
Answer Checked By - David Goodson (JavaFixing Volunteer)