Hi I am trying to remove substring "-unsigned" from filename in jenkins pipeline script.
where filePattern app/build/outputs/**/-release.apk".
I wrote below groovy script
findFiles(glob: filePattern).each { file ->
sh """
mv ${file.path} "${file.path//-unsigned/}"
getting error unexpected char : 0XFFFF.
Can suggest where exactly I am missing. or suggest how to remove substring from file name in groovy.
not sure it's the best way to rename files however:
findFiles(glob: filePattern).each { file ->
sh """
mv ${file.path} "${file.path - '-unsigned'}"
issue in your code that you have //
in this expression ${file.path // ...}
and compiler could take it as a single line comment
try to run this in groovy console:
${'abc' //no matter what here}
//comment here
^^^ compilation error: unexpected char: 0xFFFF
Answered By - daggett
Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (JavaFixing Admin)