Good Morning
I have a problem when I try to receive all params in JPQL as null . If @Query receive all params as null I think that result will be a list of all content.
The wrapper object.
public class ProductWrapper {
private String name;
private String surname;
private int quantity;
private long price;
The Controller layer.
public class ProductController {
private ProductService service;
private ResponseEntity<Page<Product>> findAllProductsWithPageable(
ProductWrapper productWrapper,
@PageableDefault(page = 0, size = 10) Pageable pageable) {
Page<Product> allProducts = service.findAllProductsWithPageable(pageable,productWrapper);
return ResponseEntity.ok(allProducts);
In Service layer I call at repository like this.
public Page<Product> findAllProductsWithPageable(Pageable pageable,ProductWrapper productWrapper) {
return repository.findAllQuery(
PageRequest.of(pageable.getPageNumber(), pageable.getPageSize(),;
The complex part of this development is the repository.
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product,Integer> {
@Query("SELECT c FROM Product c WHERE"
+ " (:name is null or = :name)"
+ " or (:surname is null or c.surname = :surname)"
+ "or (:quantity is null or c.quantity = :quantity)"
+ "or (:price is null or c.price = :price)")
Page<Product> findAllQuery(@Param("name") String name,
@Param("surname") String surname,
@Param("quantity") int quantity,
@Param("price") long price,
Pageable pageable);
Could anyone helps to me to ? I would like to add like in name and surname JPA.
I think the SQL should be
@Query("SELECT c FROM Product c WHERE 1=1 "
+ " or (:name is null or = :name)"
+ " or (:surname is null or c.surname = :surname)"
+ " or (:quantity is null or c.quantity = :quantity)"
+ " or (:price is null or c.price = :price)")
You need 1=1 to avoid syntax error when all params are null.
Answered By - japhy
Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (JavaFixing Admin)