In my k8s cluster I have two pods podA and podB. Both are in same k8s cluster. Microservice on pod B is a spring boot rest api. Microservice on pod A have ip and port of pod B in its application.yaml. now every time when podB recreates, ip change which forces us to change ip in application.yml of podA. Please suggest a better way.
My limitation is : I can't change the code of podA.
A Service will provide a consistent DNS name for accessing Pods.
An application should never address a Pod directly unless you have a specific reason to (custom load balancing is one I can think of, or StatefulSets where pods have an identity).
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
app: MyApp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 9376
You will then have a consistent DNS name to access any Pods that match the selector
Answered By - Matt