as the title says, I am using RestAssured to test API response and I need to log all the body response but eclipse is showing me only a part of it (like 1600 records but they are like 13,000) is there a form to say to eclipse I want ALL the body response shown?
I am using:
public class MavenBasics {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RestAssured.baseURI= "";
given().log().all().queryParam("api_key", "3e9s17d5w9a8g845acbe4ddd536d8f").queryParam("format", "json").queryParam("lang", "es-MX")
.then().log().all().headers().assertThat().statusCode(200).header("server", "cloudflare");
If you mean that the eclipse console is logging only limited portion then it could be because of console preferences.
Answered By - Shailendra