My Netbeans has been insanely fast for over 2 years, until this morning. Something strange, however, is now happening. Every time i press "copy and paste" ... so CTRL-C, it goes slow. This is what I see:
So, the moment I press CTRL-C, that shows in the bottom, my entire machines goes into super slow mode, and then 5 seconds later it stops.
I've considered maybe there's a keylogger on my machine, but can't find anything. And it's only slow when I copy and paste from Netbeans, nothing else. Maybe Netbeans is sending data out some other way?
Any ideas why Netbeans would just go slow like this?
- I only have one project open
- I've disabled the git and subversion plugins
- I am working on a Laravel project
- It's slow when I copy from a VIEW or when I copy from a CONTROLLER (I know css files often go a bit slow because of Parsing, so I figured mentioning this is probably worthwhile)
I followed the advice at the end of this article: here and uninstalled "BlueStacks". Problem solved.
UPDATE Just in case the article gets deleted, here is the advice the user gives on that page:
I meet the same problem. When I copy a word in the IDE, the IDE does not response until 2 or 3 seconds. I did not confront this problem until few days ago. I try to use the latest netbeans and the latest jdk, but that does not work. Then I find someone said is the problem. And the problem is somewhat about the COM in windows. So I try to install the netbeans to another Win7 PC, and the problem is gone. In that case, I guess the problem is not the netbeans, but some other application in windows. Later I uninstall some of the application I just installed few days ago. And the IDE works right now. The applications I uninstalled is "imc studio" "imc license manager" and "blueStacks" an android simulator. I guess these application may have influence to the COM of Win7. Hope my solution will help to this bug.
Answered By - coderama