I am experimenting with the Vaadin Flow framework for creating a web application. I have configured and downloaded the test application as a Maven project, as described here:
However, this project is unable to download two required dependencies from Maven central:
The required repo is already in my POM:
<id>Vaadin Directory</id>
When I download the JARs manually and add them to my local .m2 repo, the project builds fine, so there is a workaround. But I still would like to understand why these dependencies are not retrieved from Maven. Also, this is a problem for the docker build, which fails, because it doesn't access my local Maven repo, of course.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
I found the error. It was due to our internal repository setup. We're using Nexus, which also acts as a Maven Central proxy. Since these two dependencies are not listed on Central, I had to add the JARs manually to Nexus and also configure the Nexus repo in the POM.xml. The build then worked ok.
Answered By - martin_wun