How I can kill a user sessionId from a web administration panel? I mean, I have multiple users entering a website with jboss 4.2 and struts 1.3 and I want to close a session of some of these users remotely from same website. What is the best strategy?
One possible solution is to associate the JSESSIONID to the user in the database and set the JSESSIONID. Then for each transaction to ask if I remove user session.
I try to handle it by using context.xml in jboss side with FileStore session, but if I delete the session file (eg 2B6609A6CA38E35EEDF21BF3F3253BC8.session) the session is still active.
<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" saveOnRestart="false">
<Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore" directory="\tmp\">
Any suggestions? thanks
There should be a JMX interface for that.
Answered By - Rostislav Matl