I am new to using maven project and i am trying to create a maven project and i followed the instructions to create one in eclipse and i gave the groupId and artifact id to it and clicked Finish, for which it gave me an error stating
"No marketplace entries found to handle maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information."
For this issue i tried googling and stack overflow and i saw people asking other people to change the installation directory of maven inside
Window-> Preferences -> Maven-> Installation
I tried that and tried to update the maven project but still i have some errors, i am not able to setup my project, Could someone please help?
I am attaching the errors herewith.
First you can try to install maven globaly. follow the steps.
Download maven from maven download link
Create or export M2_HOME="MAVEN ROOT LOCATION". Ex. : E:\SoftwareRepo\building tools\apache-maven-3.5.2
Create or export MAVEN bin folder location to PATH variable. For example: E:\SoftwareRepo\building tools\apache-maven-3.5.2\bin
Open terminal or cmd and run mvn --version to confirm maven is installed or not.
Then go to eclipse. and setup project.follow this steps
- Import existing maven project or create a maven project
- Goto project explorer and Right click on your pom.xml
- then select Run As maven install.
- and then what you want.
Hope it will serve your purpose. You can download a sample spring boot project from sample spring boot project
Or you can run a maven project from terminal or cmd. Just goto project root folder and then run a maven task like maven clean install . Happy Coding :)
Answered By - flopcoder