so every time I want to delete a record from the database I want to show a confirmation box, the box shows successfully, but the problem is that record is deleting whether I click on "OK" or "Cancel"
How to get this to work ? Thanks
this my code:
<th>Date RDV</th>
<th>ID Patient</th>
<p:forEach items="${liste }" var = "rdv">
<td>${rdv.id_Rdv }</td>
<td>${rdv.date_Rdv }</td>
<td>${rdv.motif }</td>
<td>${rdv.id_P }</td>
<a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/RDVController?action=supprimer&Id_Rdv=${rdv.id_Rdv }" onclick="confirmation()" > Supprimer</a>
and this is my javascript code:
function confirmation(){
var result = confirm("vous êtes sûr ?");
return true;
return false;
You can use button
instead of a
tag and apply css
to button so that it look like a
tag. Here, in below code whenever you click on button
pop up will open if click yes then directly the page will get redirect else page will stay on same page .
function confirmation(button) {
//getting href value
var href = button.getAttribute("href");
var result = confirm("vous êtes sûr ?");
if (result) {
//if click yes redirect
window.location.href = href;
} else {
return false;
.supprimer {
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline;
border: none;
color: blue;
cursor: pointer;
supprimer:focus {
outline: none;
<th>Date RDV</th>
<th>ID Patient</th>
<p:forEach items="${liste }" var="rdv">
<td>${rdv.id_Rdv }</td>
<td>${rdv.date_Rdv }</td>
<td>${rdv.motif }</td>
<td>${rdv.id_P }</td>
<button class="supprimer" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/RDVController?action=supprimer&Id_Rdv=${rdv.id_Rdv }" onclick="confirmation(this)"> Supprimer</button>
Answered By - Swati