I tested this code in Android 11
val networkRequest = NetworkRequest.Builder().apply {
connectivityManager.registerNetworkCallback(networkRequest, object : ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
override fun onAvailable(network: Network) {
val wifiName = getCurrentlyConnectedName() ?: return
val wifiMac = getCurrentlyConnectedMac() ?: return
Timber.d("WifiStateManager onAvailable() called with: network = [$wifiName]")
override fun onLost(network: Network) {
Timber.d("WifiStateManager onLost() called with: network = [$network]")
And notices a strange behavior. When the app is in the background wifi ssid
is always <unknown>
(please note that Location permission is granted 100%). When the app is in the foreground everything is OK and I get the correct wifi ssid
Why this is happening? How to get wifi SSID even when the app is in the background on Android 11?
Strange this hasn't been answer sooner.
Location permission has now a special case for background access on Android 11+. One app can be granted access to location permission, but only in foreground. Background location permission requires a special request on Play Console to be published and get the corresponding permission:
Starts with targeting API 29 I believe which is mandatory already on Play Store.
Answered By - 3c71