There is my code.
public Mono<RespDto> function(TransReqDto1 reqDto1, TransReqDto2 reqDto2, String token) {
MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();
builder.part("TransReqDto1", reqDto1);
builder.part("TransReqDto2", reqDto2);
MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> parts =;
LinkedMultiValueMap map = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
map.add("TransReqDto1", reqDto1);
map.add("TransReqDto2", reqDto2);
.headers(h -> h.setBearerAuth(token.split(" ")[1]))
My probelm is that I need to send both reqDto1 & reqDto2. I've successfully sent reqDto1 with the code above but I can't figure out a way to send two objects. Tried MultipartBodybuild and MultiValueMap but both are returning error from the target API. Please give me some hints!! Thank you
Here is the API I am trying to call!
@ApiOperation(value = "test", notes = "test")
public Mono<?> transPost(@Valid @RequestBody TransReqDto1 reqDto1,
@Valid @RequestBody TransReqDto2 reqDto2) {
return testService.function(reqDto1, reqDto2);
You cannot use two @RequestBody
. It can bind to a single object only. The expected way to do that is to create a wrapper DTO containing all the relevant data:
public class TransReqDto {
private TransReqDto1 transReqDto1;
private TransReqDto2 transReqDto2;
Answered By - lkatiforis