I wrote the following test in a Maven project which is annotated with @ParameterizedTest
@ValueSource(strings = {"", "test"})
public void whenCreateCitation_thenCitationShouldNotBeNull(String s) {
Citation citationLoaded = quotesLoaderBean.createCitation(s);
assertNotNull("Citation should not be null", citationLoaded);
The test result shows that only the tests that are annotated with @Test where executed in this test class. I tried a few changes in the pom.xml but nothing really worked. Here is the relevant part of the the pom file:
<!-- if you are using Jersey client specific features without the server side
This is the test result:
As you can see the test is not executed.
With the following pom.xml configuration everythings works just fine.
<!-- if you are using Jersey client specific features without the server side
Answered By - softwareUser