I have a Java FX project and am using maven 3.0.5 to build. When i run mvn package/install, the project fails and complains that the package javafx.* doesn't exist. Javafx is packaged in Java 1.7 to my understanding so it doesn't make sense that the build does not pick this up. When i compile it within my IDE (intellij) it works fine and after that my maven build also successfully installs, however i do not wish to have to go through the IDE every time i do a clean install. any ideas?
here is my pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<path>C:\Program Files\Java\jre7</path>
And here is my Log:
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[3,26] package javafx.application does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[3,26] package javafx.beans.value does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[4,26] package javafx.beans.value does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[5,26] package javafx.collections does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[6,20] package javafx.event does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[7,20] package javafx.event does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[3,28] package javafx.scene.control does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[3,31] package com.sun.istack.internal does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[3,31] package com.sun.istack.internal does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[3,31] package com.sun.istack.internal does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/Users/Macindows/IdeaProjects/thenaglecode/system-setup/src/main/java/com/thenaglecode/[4,26] package javafx.beans.value does not exist
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
Process finished with exit code 1
Thank you for your help.
placing this in the dependencies (depending on where your jdk is) will help the dependency compile, however you should probably replace it with a variable that the user can specify in their settings.xml or maven system properties:
<systemPath>C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\jfxrt.jar</systemPath>
see Maven project with JavaFX (with jar file in `lib`) for more details as to why
Answered By - coderatchet