I'm trying to specify a set of tests by fully qualified package name, using Maven 3.6.3 with maven-surefire-plugin 3.0.0-M5 on OpenJDK 11. The documentation states...
As of Surefire Plugin 2.19.1, the syntax with fully qualified class names or packages can be used
...and goes on to give an example:
<include>my.package.*, another.package.*</include>
If I have my test class
in a package called some.test.pkg1
and use:
or even:
...the test won't be executed. Why is that?
Update 1: To provide all the infos requested by @khmarbaise, I've pushed a small project to github, please see here:
Update 2: @ori-dar suggested dropping the asterisk *
(or .*
), but it does not help.
Update 3: I found mentions that by default Maven expects to have Test classes' names ending with Test
, so I tried to rename the test to
, which didn't help either.
Update 4: For posterity, SUREFIRE-1789 seems to deal with this exact issue. SUREFIRE-1389 is related. SUREFIRE-1191 introduced the corresponding section in the docs.
Update 5: I added small test runners for Windows/*nix to my repo linked above, to check which versions are affected by this behaviour. Turns out it's any and all but 2.19.1 - which means that the official documentation is misleading if not to say wrong for over 5 years now :(
To be honest, this looks like a bug in maven-surefire-plugin, or at best some behavior change that isn't documented properly.
I took the sample you posted to GitHub, downgraded it to maven-surefire-plugin 2.19.1, and it works just fine.
You may want to report this bug Apache's Jira.
Answered By - Mureinik