Question: I would like for the GraphicContext object to stroke the text in a monospaced font. How can this be achieved?
Problem: I am using JavaFX. I have a Canvas object and a GrahpicsContext object. I want to use GraphicsContext's strokeText() method to draw text on the canvas. Before I call strokeText(), I use GraphicsContext object's setFont() to set the font to a monospaced font. It is important that all the characters in the string that I want to draw on the canvas have the same width. I have tried drawing the text on the canvas with fonts Courier, Courier New and Monospace. I understood that these fonts are supposed to be monospaced. I have imported javafx.scene.text.Font.
However, when I check the text drawn on the canvas, I see this every time: Screenshot of the left corner of my canvas object.
To test the fonts I made the GraphicsContext object stoke 5 times characters '_', 'a', 'i', and 'W' each on their own row. The characters are not of equal size and the lines are of different length. Also, I don't see any change in the font.
Here is the code I use for creating the canvas, drawer and stroking the text:
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(800,200);
GraphicsContext drawer = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
drawer.setFont(new Font("Monospaced",15));
drawer.strokeText("_____", 5, 5);
drawer.strokeText("aaaaa", 5, 25);
drawer.strokeText("iiiii", 5, 45);
drawer.strokeText("WWWWW", 5, 65);
I searched for information about monospaced fonts in java, tried importing java.awt.Fonts and looked through the javadoc of GraphicsContext but nothing seemed to help me with this problem.
What am I doing wrong?
new Font(String name, double size)
creates a font based on the full name of the font and the font size.
Font.font(String family, double size)
creates a font based on the font family name and the font size.
In your case the family name is "Monospaced" (java.awt.Font.MONOSPACED)
the full name is "Monospaced Regular"
, and the file name on my Windows platform
is C:\Windows\Fonts\cour.ttf (Courier New)
I prefer
drawer.setFont(Font.font("Monospaced", 15));
drawer.setFont(new Font("Monospaced Regular", 15));
drawer.setFont(Font.loadFont(Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("C:/Windows/Fonts/cour.ttf")), 15));
works too.
Answered By - kuleis