Is there a more concise / elegant way to reach this functionality in Micronaut?
class ControllerTest {
lateinit var client: RxHttpClient
lateinit var redeemService: RedeemService
fun redeemService(): RedeemService = mockk {
every { validate(any()) } returns true
fun test() {
// some logic triggering a call to redeemService
verify(exactly = 1) {
To me it looks like redundant work to have to declare the @MockBean
and then also having to @Inject
the previously declared @MockBean
From what I remember, in Spring Boot this is just an annotation on a lateinit var
Did I misunderstand or overlook something?
You need the mock bean, for replacing the service and inject it everywhere in your application .. if you want to do some verification you eighter have to inject it back or create instance within your class and return that with the mock bean
private val redeemService: RedeemService = mockk {
every { validate(any()) } returns true
fun redeemService() = redeemService
Answered By - IEE1394