I am running a script in Jenkins. One piece of the script need to run at 07:00:00 Eastern Time.
The job is already scheduled on specific days and time. The job starts at 6am, but need to wait until 7am to run the next step
Using java, I can get current time/date using:
Date currentDate = new Date()
I think I need to compare currentDate with today's date at 7am so I can know how many seconds there is until 7am and put my build to sleep for that time.
My question is, how can I generate today's date at 7am?
Avoid using the terrible Date
class. The legacy date-time classes were years ago supplanted by the modern java.time classes defined in JSR 310.
Capture the current moment as seen in your particular time zone.
ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/New_York" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdt = z ) ;
Define your target.
LocalTime targetTime = LocalTime.of( 7 , 0 ) ;
Adjust to that time.
ZonedDateTime zdtTarget = zdt.with( targetTime ) ;
If that moment has passed, move to next day.
if( ! zdt.isBefore( zdtTarget ) ) {
zdtTarget = zdt.toLocalDate().plusDays( 1 ).atStartOfDay( z ).with( targetTime ) ;
Determine time to elapse.
Duration d = Duration.between( zdt.toInstant() , zdtTarget.toInstant() ) ;
Interrogate the duration object for whatever you need. For example, milliseconds:
long millis = d.toMillis() ;
Thread.sleep( millis ) ;
If you must use a java.until.Date
for code not yet updated to java.time, you can convert.
java.until.Date date = Date.from( zdtTarget.toInstant() ) ;
Answered By - Basil Bourque