This is my project. I having problem, I want to get data from table Student join many table branch, room, and gender use annotation @Query as site query in the image MySql
This is query with statement MySql
This is code I want to use @Query in Spring Data JPA with purpose get data when join many table
After I call API, It notify error This is error
I need to support, this is my project:
You have two options here, you can use get the students from the database.
List<Student> students = studentRepository.findAll();
This will load the other entities (room, gender and branch) by issuing other queries and this will lead to the famous problem N+1 queries
So to load all the entities in one go, use entity graphs
or fetch join
@Query(value = "SELECT st FROM Student st INNER JOIN FETCH st.branch b INNER JOIN FETCH st.gender g INNER JOIN FETCH r")
List<Student> fetchStudentDataJoinTable();
Note: If the properties (room
, gender
and branch
) can be null
in student then use left join
instead of inner join
Answered By - b.GHILAS