I have a jsonb field in which I have stored a key , value mapping in the db. Not I want to make a query where given a text I want to know if a key exist which is like the text. example the key in db is 'abc_def' and I have the text 'abc' so the query should return the record.
I have written a query for it:
String sql = select * from table where (attrs->>'data')::jsonb::text like :queryKeyEspCorpCompany and status = 'ENABLED'
queryKeyEspCorpCompany is passed a a param. but when hibernate actually run the query it returns like so (in logs) and return error:
select * from table where '(attrs->>'data')':jsonb:text like ? and status = 'ENABLED'
error is where the "::" before jsonb is getting converted to ":".
Can someone help why this is happening ?
The character :
needs to be escaped:
String sql = "select * from table where (attrs->>'data')\\:\\:jsonb\\:\\:text like ?1 and status = 'ENABLED'";
Because it's a native query, you have to use Postgres parameter placements syntax: ?1
, ?2
session.createSQLQuery(sql).setParameter(1, "abc_def").getResultList();
Answered By - Davide