I want to write a native query 'Select * in from table' my repo. The table name is different from the entity name.
When running the query,
1 if I put the entity name it returns Table not found.
2 if I put the table name in query, I get Validation failed for query.
The queries are
value = "Select * from " +
"TariffPacks r2 where r2.TariffID = :tariffId " +
"and r2.regionname = :regionname " +
"and r2.category = :category " +
"and r2.amount = :amount " +
"and r2.operator = :operator", nativeQuery = true
List<TariffPacks> findByTariffID_RegionName_Category_Amount_Operator(
@Param("tariffId") Long tariffId,
@Param("regionname") String regionname,
@Param("category") String category,
@Param("amount") Integer amount,
@Param("operator") String operator
value = "Delete from " +
"TariffPacks r2 where r2.TariffID = :tariffId " +
"and r2.regionname = :regionname " +
"and r2.category = :category " +
"and r2.amount = :amount " +
"and r2.operator = :operator"
List<TariffPacks> deleteByTariffID_RegionName_Category_Amount_Operator(
@Param("tariffId") Long tariffId,
@Param("regionname") String regionname,
@Param("category") String category,
@Param("amount") Integer amount,
@Param("operator") String operator
If I use "Select * from TariffPacks r2 ..., nativeQuery = true ", I get the error Tariffpacks doesn't exist. If I use "Select * from RECHARGEDATAPACKS r2 .., nativeQuery = true", I get Validation error in Hibernate.
The entity :
import lombok.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public class TariffPacks {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "RECHARGEDATAPACKS_SEQ")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "RECHARGEDATAPACKS_SEQ", sequenceName = "RECHARGEDATAPACKS_SEQ", allocationSize = 1)
// @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long packid;
private Long TariffID;
private String operator;
private String operatoralias;
private String regionname;
private String regionalias;
private String category;
private Integer amount;
private String talktime;
private String validity;
private String description;
private String billercategory;
private String updatedOn;
private String entryDate;
I have three questions : 1 How to make hibernate look for the table name (RECHARGEDATAPACKS) while using nativeQuery = true?
2 Can I write "Select * " in Hibernate without using nativeQuery = true? I think I have to write all the column names like TariffId, Operator, region .., but I want the entity to be returned. How to map all the columns to an entity in output?
3 Is there any other way to write individual column names and map them to an entity class? Like if I write Select TariffId, Operator, region .., how can I fetch the tariffId directly?
1 if I put the entity name it returns Table not found.
If you are using nativeQuery = true then you have to write Table name.
@Query(value = "Select * from " + "RECHARGEDATAPACKS r2 where r2.TariffID = :tariffId "
+ "and r2.regionname = :regionname " + "and r2.category = :category " + "and r2.amount = :amount "
+ "and r2.operator = :operator", nativeQuery = true)
List<TariffPacks> findByTariffID_RegionName_Category_Amount_Operator(@Param("tariffId") Long tariffId,
@Param("regionname") String regionname, @Param("category") String category, @Param("amount") Integer amount,
@Param("operator") String operator);
2 if I put the table name in query, I get Validation failed for query.
I tried with the same code and is working fine. please specify the exact error/exception.
1 How to make hibernate look for the table name (RECHARGEDATAPACKS) while using nativeQuery = true?
If using nativeQuery = true then you have to provide table name only, else you can write HQL/JPQL with entity class name.
2 Can I write "Select * " in Hibernate without using nativeQuery = true? I think I have to write all the column names like TariffId, Operator, region .., but I want the entity to be returned. How to map all the columns to an entity in output?
You can write like this:
@Query(value = "from " + "TariffPacks r2 where r2.TariffID = :tariffId " + "and r2.regionname = :regionname " + "and r2.category = :category " + " and r2.amount = :amount " + "and r2.operator = :operator")
3 Is there any other way to write individual column names and map them to an entity class? Like if I write Select TariffId, Operator, region .., how can I fetch the tariffId directly?
You can do like this:
@Query(value = "select TariffID, category from RECHARGEDATAPACKS where packid = :packid", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> someMethodName(Long packid);
and then you can extract.
Answered By - Ajit Singh