When I tried to run my code on Eclipse IDE, this error keeps on poping up:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <?> at index 24: (path to project).
I don't know what this error meant.
First, I thought it was some problem caused by some of my own code. But when I tried to run the Hello World program, the same problem existed.
It isn't a problem with Java, because I reinstalled it and the same problem still happens(Plus, when I use the command line tools, the program compiled and ran perfectly fine). It is not that Java can't access my code from a different drive either(I kept my project on the D: drive, not the C: drive), because I moved my project to C:\Users\username\Documents\Eclipse Workspace and the problem still existed. I also tried reinstalling eclipse, but that didn't change anything.
Can anyone tell me what is causing the problem?
I've solved this by changing the name of the folder contain the project. In my case, the problem is it didn't understand the path to the project. Just change the folder's name to English.
Answered By - Lê Thị Quỳnh Hương