I have been using Egit and Eclipse together for well over a year. I recently upgraded my computer and had to reinstall everything. Previously whenever I would make a change to a file it would immediately get picked up by Egit and show with the red highlight and star next to the file name in the project explorer.
I have everything back up and running exactly as it was, however whenever I make a change the change is not picked up by Egit. I have to perform a 'git status' in order for the files to show as ready to be staged in the file explorer. Am I doing something wrong to have Egit automatically detect changed files and has anyone else had this problem?
- which version of EGit are you using
- do you get the egit team menu if you right-click any resource in your git tracked project ?
- if not then you need to do "Team > Share > Git", then check "Use or create repository in parent folder of project". If you are using a very recent nightly build version this will be checked automatically.
- when you modify a file tracked by (e)git a text decorator ">" should appear in front of the modified file
- as soon as you stage the modified file (Team > Add) the decorator should show the star
- also the staging view should always show the git status for all modified files
Answered By - Matthias Sohn