THis is the main entity class, which is having an embeddedId
public class LabResHivMutation implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private LabResHivMutationPK id;
private String comments;
private BigDecimal mutationTypeId;
private String value;
This is the embeddable key
public class LabResHivMutationPK implements Serializable {
//default serial version id, required for serializable classes.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long toInst;
private long relInvstid;
private long mutationId;
Is there any delete methos available in spring data Jpa to delete based on only two of the embaddable key(toInst,relInvstid).
I still can write a JPQL query to delete it. My question is there any method available for this.
like deleteById ?
Yes there is, repo.deleteByIdToInstAndIdRelInvstid(toInst,relInnvstid)
As you see you have to specify deleteById
ToInst , this is how you reference a field of an embedded ID , the same as you would reference a field of a foreign relation. Here Id
matches your field naming
private LabResHivMutationPK id;
Answered By - Paul Vlasin