I'm trying to optimize my pipeline. I'm using the pipeline to generate and deploy some docs. At the end I clear my document root and write the newly generated docs into the document root. I'm doing this for several stages in parallel.
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this is the pipeline exerpt for the parallel stages
stage("clear nfs directory") {
steps {
test: {
sh "rm -rf /mnt/nfs/test/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
sh "mkdir /mnt/nfs/test/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
rele: {
sh "rm -rf /mnt/nfs/rele/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
sh "mkdir /mnt/nfs/rele/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
prod: {
sh "rm -rf /mnt/nfs/prod/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
sh "mkdir /mnt/nfs/prod/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
stage("copy generated docs to nfs directory") {
steps {
test: {
dir("target/public") {
sh "cp -r * /mnt/nfs/test/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
rele: {
dir("target/public") {
sh "cp -r * /mnt/nfs/rele/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
prod: {
dir("target/public") {
sh "cp -r * /mnt/nfs/prod/docs/$pipelineParams.groupname"
Since clear and write should depend on each other I would like to refactor the pipeline into a more sequential design (running multiple steps in sequence in less parallel steps)
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I'm not sure how to run multiple steps in the same parallel block ... can anyone give me a hint? Thanks guys
Please see below reference which will allow you to run multiple steps in same parallel block.
You would need to use sequential stages which will give below output :
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pipeline {
agent { label 'master' }
stages {
stage('Build and Test') {
parallel {
stage("Build and Test Linux") {
stages {
stage("Build (Linux)") {
agent any
steps {
echo "Inside for loop 1"
stage("Test (Linux)") {
agent any
steps {
echo "Inside for loop 2"
stage("Build and Test Windows") {
stages {
stage("Build (Windows)") {
agent any
steps {
echo "Inside for loop 3"
stage("Test (Windows)") {
agent any
steps {
echo "Inside for loop 4"
For more info see:-
Below link gives reference example:
Answered By - Altaf