In my GlobalExceptionHandler I process my exceptions from validator. Usually I send json response with error but sometimes I need to send error as html page by thymeleaf pattern.
public String constraintViolation(HttpServletResponse response, final Throwable throwable) throws WebApiException {
if (throwable.getMessage().startsWith("change")){
return "400";
String errMsg = throwable.getMessage().replaceAll(".*\\s?:\\s?(.*)$", "$1");
return new RestApiException(1007, errMsg).toString();
If I use @ResponseBody everythig response as plaint text. But for condition "change", I wanna use html template "400" by thymeleaf. How to set response mode manually, with or without @Responsebody depends on condition.
Rather than using @ResponseBody
you should return ModelAndView
. Then you can, based on your condition, choose the view. Either Thymeleaf template or Jackson view to serialize the model to JSON.
Answered By - Plamen